Elevate Your District's Environment with PeaceMindED

Discover how PeaceMindED is transforming elementary classrooms by integrating focus-enhancing breaks, facilitating conscious conversations, and nurturing enhanced emotional competency skills within classrooms. 

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As a SEL Director, PeaceMindED was an easy choice for our team. Teachers appreciate the user-friendly platform and students are captivated by the engaging and comprehensive curriculum. PeaceMindED has proven to be a valuable asset in supporting our SEL goals and initiatives.

Lisa Monroe, Social & Emotional Learning Director 

Key Features

Click the feature and see how PeaceMindED Teaching Tools are cultivating peaceful classrooms for students and educators with these unique features for young learners.

 PeaceMindED is literally the easiest thing about my workday.  My students absolutely love it.  

Amanda Livingston, Kindergarten Teacher 

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